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21 Mar 2022

Measuring ROI of sales training
Measuring the results or impact of any learning intervention is challenging. This is true when it comes to sales training also. Because there is a significant time gap that can exist b/w effect of any intervention like training and tangible business results and added to that complexity of isolating the impact only training made on results, businesses do not like to invest in learning ...

11 Feb 2022

Selling features vs benefits
  Sales success is defined by how well one understands the psychology of selling and buying. In this article, you will learn a key factor that influences your buyer to take action more than any other factor. This is to do with understanding what motivates the buyer to take action and what is the No. 1 persuasive sales skill to be used. What is in it for me? (WIIFM) The first rule of sale...

01 Dec 2021

How to plan for sales revenue
To achieve aggressive sales growth, the business must be able to build systems that align the marketing (lead generation) and sales (conversion) activities. The 5P sales system is common sales system that helps to keep the sales system running. The 5P includes, PEOPLE Hire the right number of people by role to hit your sales targets. PROCESS Having the right process based on to make the...

28 Oct 2021

Top 20 sales trends in 2021
Ever since covid, there has been a significant shift in the way businesses are conducted. Sales are no different. In selling there are new trends are building up. The 3 major trends are 1. Large deals are now being done online 2.  Buyer is more sophisticated and overall sales is buyer-driven 3. Changing the sales method is critical now Now in these 3 major trends, there are many trends s...

22 Oct 2021

21 results for poor sales results
Chances are that your sales not growing, revenue is down and you want to know the reasons for the same. As in charge of sales as Head of Sales or Owner, you also want to diagnose the problems and make changes immediately, so you achieve the quarterly and annual targets. What are the proven ways to troubleshoot sales problems? This list of 21 reasons covers the biggest challenge...

04 Oct 2021

Sales training initiative India
Recently, we interviewed a client who is in a business for almost 25 years and their sales are primarily done from the field. The conversation went as follows: Q. When was the last time you took up sales training intervention? A. In our 25 years of working, we have never done training for the sales staff. Q. What prompted you to go for the sales training intervention now? ...

21 Sep 2021

sales training programs in India
  What is the way to grow sales? The common answer that comes out is, close more deals. This is common thinking that implies growing sales => closing more deals. What if we tell you there are actually other ways to grow sales. Now growing sales doesn't mean more deals only. The key to growing sales is to increase revenue and profit. There are 4 levers to achieve this. Let see each of ...

30 Aug 2021

trends in B2B selling free training
Whether one likes it or not, the COVID has changed the way B2B selling is being conducted. If you are mid sized B2B company, you must be wondering the pace of change and whether sales teams can adapt to this. If you are selling, you will be keen to know how can you be ahead of these rapid changes. For sales organizations of all sizes as well as salespeople, four related challen...

16 Aug 2021

Why is type of selling required for B2B? Most people relate to sales based on everyday sales they have experience in their lives. Undoubtedly, every day we do many transactions of giving & take or buy and sell, but are these transactions really the same when it comes to doing sales with businesses and enterprises? Do these everyday sales help us in selling innovative solutions,...

18 Jul 2021

B2B Sales Prospects Qualification
Most of the sales process involves 8 to 10 steps as below and where do you think the difference b/w the high performers and average performers start? Preparation & Organization Prospecting/Qualifying Conducting a Needs Assessment Presenting Solutions to Needs Developing & Presenting Proposals Handling Prospect Resistance Closing Sales Professionally Following Up Sales Effective...

23 Mar 2021

Having a competent sales team is one of the most important aspects of building a great business. But how to build the competency of the sales team? Most companies prefer to put the salespeople on the field and learn by themselves. Depending on the salesperson's ability to win new deals, achieve targets and overall experience determines the competency. This method can work but the cha...

03 Mar 2021

How to stand out from competition
If there is one thing that is scarce resource today, that is attention! Because our customers are flooded with sales, marketing, and various other forms of pitches from companies all hoping to win their business. Many are overwhelmed with this level of information or in some cases want to tune out. To overcome this one of the common approach being done is focus on quantity. Tha...

31 Dec 2020

Having B2B Sales appointments is the lifeblood for any business. That is because if you don't sales appointments you won't be able to generate sales revenues. And without the sales revenue, we all know business existence itself in question. Now when it comes to generating sales appointments, 2020 had been a watershed year. A lot of things got changed from the pure traditional mode...

25 Oct 2020

Remote Selling in B2B Sales
Ever since the pandemic has struck, every business has been forced to look into adapting to new ways of doing business. The sales are no different. Especially if your clients are other businesses, right the prospecting, engaging clients, presenting, negotiations and closing has changed. The fact is change is not driven by the sales teams, but it is by the B2B buyers, decision-maker...

22 Oct 2020

Neuro Persuasion To Help Buyers
Closing sales quickly is one of the biggest challenges in complex b2b sales. Many in sales complain that customer talked well, they liked our solutions but delaying the buying the decision. They have gone into cold storage! They aren't responding or giving some or other reasons! Tired of following up with them!! For example, in spite you knowing you can definitely serve the target...

08 Oct 2020

Innovation selling
Prospecting is one of the key activities of the B2B Sales professional. Accept or not, in most businesses, prospecting is undergoing major change with the penetration of internet and social media. Any B2B sales person, who has been in the industry will realize the way Buyers are slowing taking control of the sales process and traditional methods of cold calling, sending cold e-mails a...

24 Aug 2020

Cold e-mail prospecting
E-mail is an essential part of the B2B lead generation and prospecting process. Pre-COVID with a lot of face-2-face meetings and conferences, e-mail was used more for transaction purposes. But top B2B marketers, Salespeople always know the power of e-mail and have been using E-mail as a primary way to generate leads and appointments ever since. And since COVID-19, the importan...

23 Aug 2020

sales coaching conversation
A recently while talking to a consultant friend who is in the operations consulting and asked him, what is he doing towards sales, he said I am not selling anything. I kind of was taken aback and asked what he means by that? He said, I’m reaching out to all my past and current clients, not to sell them but to listen to them.  They’re going through a tough time right now and t...

19 May 2020

Sales competency for sales performance
Sales performance of the organization is driven by many factors.  There are many external factors which determine sales performance but quite a few internal factors also matter a lot. Unfortunately, in organizations, these internal factors are neglected. Among the internal factors which affect sales performance, one of the key element is competencies of the sales team and capability ga...