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08 Apr 2020

Persuasion skills to sell your ideas
There is a lot of emphasis on coming up with innovative ideas and proposals in most organizations. Indeed many come up with good ideas too. But my own experience shows, it is one thing to come up with an idea, and it is altogether a different thing to sell or persuade others to agree to your idea. It is an art and a skill to persuade others to accept our ideas. And if you are a lea...

06 Mar 2020

How to stand out from competition
Competition is the name of the game in most markets. One of the ways most companies want to stay ahead of the competition by being better than competitors. Most salespeople when they meet buyers, highlight how their solution is better in terms of pricing, features, service, etc. I will tell you, to stand out from the competition, why trying to be just better than the competitor is not...

14 Jan 2020

Enterprise buyer types
Enterprise selling or B2B buying is complex and requires different tools and nuances than direct selling to consumers. One of the common challenges in enterprise selling is identifying the types of buyers one comes across. Most novice salespeople or even experienced ones do not approach multiple buyers in enterprise selling as differently. This is one of the primary reason why ...

07 Jan 2020

Consultative selling in b2b sales
The word 'Selling' is something many people do not like to associate with. They feel 'Selling' is bad or is being pushy. Now even some salespeople don't find the word selling comfort to them. But irrespective of the word 'Selling' people like or not, everyone is seeking the benefits of selling. Whether someone is keen to convince his manager to develop a new idea, wants to influence t...

07 Jan 2020

Sales training myths & facts
In today’s time, information is everywhere and everyone seems to have strong and better opinions. Instead of relying on facts, myths and misconceptions many times rule. Now when it comes to sales training or sales effectiveness programs, we hear many misconceptions organizations, sales leaders hold. This is also prevalent among sales professionals but our experience shows many ...

01 Jan 2020

Rapport building in sales
You are working on 2 deals parallel for months, both the prospects are the right fit. But after working for months and giving equal effort to both, only one of the prospect signs the deal with you whereas 2nd prospect decides to go with a competitor solution. What really has happened? What has made the deal work with one prospect whereas another one who matched the same as first didn'...

12 Dec 2019

Sales performance culture
Q. What really differentiates a high-performance sales team vs avg. performing sales team? A. Good training that's it, quick answer! OK! As a sales training and coaching firm, you may think that we are just selling the concept of sales training! So don't take our word for granted! Most people believe products, good market access, experienced sales team matters. We definitely...

04 Dec 2019

B2B Sales Negotiation
Sales negotiation is quite easy provided one is very well prepared in the overall subject. But what most people overlook is the process part of the negotiation. There are many elements that go into the sales negotiation and it is difficult if one doesn't stick to a process. In this blog, we will list the 7 common elements of any sales negotiation. The priorities and importance of...

19 Nov 2019

Innovation selling
Recently we worked with a company that wanted to serve the education institutes with the innovative solution towards teaching in an experiential way. There is a lot of innovation that has gone into this solution to understanding current student grades, their gaps, progress. But when salespeople visited and promoted these solutions, the response wasn’t great from the teachers as well...

06 Nov 2019

Mental barriers for sales success.
Everyone in sales is looking for success, but very few are able to achieve it consistently. Why is that? There are many reasons, but primarily selling is not taught formally anywhere and many are naturally not good at sales. Also, the salespeople are under pressure that most people can't take. Selling requires to be of help, be at ease with people who have little or no wish to se...

17 Oct 2019

Many sales opportunities get stuck at the end of the sales process and do not close, leading to frustration for sellers. Especially in the B2B sales with all the hardwork of proposals, pilots or demo stages and presenting the commercials, some buyers catch cold-feet and delay the closing. How can this be addressed is a common question among many salespeople? One of the key rules t...

11 Oct 2019

Consultative selling for B2B Sales
Recently one of our clients said, many of the prospects book appointments but not many show up for consultation. What is exactly happening here? This is not just for appointments, we see many times, the sales team members commit to their next month targets, but hardly stick to it. Like this many commitments, each of us makes, but we don't stick to it. What is the reason? As per R...

12 Sep 2019

We keep meeting many companies and also salespeople. When we ask, what are their biggest challenges, 2 common challenges expressed are pricing and competition. Most buyers are challenging the salespeople on the pricing part and there is always a competitor who is out there who is willing to undercut the price to win the orders.  How do sales team can handle this? Firstly ...

05 Sep 2019

Sales training initiative India
Hiring any service is a challenge as there are many factors involved which are not easily quantifiable and also cannot be tried like a product. Most people try to simplify by going with referrals or known contacts. That might work at the individual level, but at an organization level what is required is to follow a process and have a clear evaluation criterion. Just like evaluat...

05 Sep 2019

How to measure training intevention
Sales training is an integral part of the business of any company. But many organizations have doubts about the trainings because they worry about the investments not giving returns. Or the other way it is not knowing ways to measure the success of the sales training in an objective way. However, what begs to be answered is, how do most companies who continue to invest in training...

25 Jul 2019

Handling B2B Pricing challenges
How would you respond if your customer says any of these below? I will buy the product provided you a discount of 30% There are other players who are giving 20% less, so why should I buy from you? If you increase the price, I am planning to switch to another player I just listed 3 questions but as a salesperson, you might face many price-related questions as above. So, i...

13 Jun 2019

3 mistakes companies make in implementing sales CRM
Do you have a plan to implement Sales CRM in your organization or if you are using Sales CRM already, then keen to know how to improve the ROI? Then from our studies as well as interacting with companies who have successfully implemented the sales CRM, there are 3 common mistakes to be avoided. Not having a sales CRM Strategy The 1st biggest mistake is to roll out sales CRM with...

17 May 2019

Competitive selling
Recently one of our client who is into selling Auto component solutions wanted to know how to become the preferred supplier to some of their top tier vendors. The challenge he said is the customers are defining the specifications and also giving an acceptable price range. The customers are inviting many suppliers who can match the specification the vendor has defined. Client was ke...