From our position as a sales transformation firm, we provide sales effectiveness solutions and sales training in India to increase sales performance. As part of identifying the sales challenges, we regularly interview several top stakeholders of clients companies to understand needs, challenges, and understand the areas of development to create effective sales training programs in India.
Our methodology for acquiring and analyzing the information gives us valuable insight, trends, and development needs organization are looking for. We follow a customized Sales effectiveness in 100 Days model to help sales team drive revenue. Our sales training programs are tailored to suit the industry and customer needs. Our approach for any in a company-specific program is,
- Involve the team to explain the challenge they are facing and the target they want to achieve
- Co-create a solution which addresses the current challenge and helps bridge the skill gap
- Engage with the team for sales training program sessions, workshops and skill development
- Coaching and feedback sessions to ensure that accountability exists in meeting goals
- Sustain and build a strong leadership team to ensure that the team sustain the success for years to come

transforms the traditional role of a sales manager.[/iconbox]