Prashanth Godrehal, Performance Coach

30 Apr 2019

Can you increase price and retain your buyer?
The no.1 challenge most salespeople face in retaining their existing accounts is to keep them from switching to competitors. Due to this fear of losing customers, salespeople are always worried about communicating price increase to customers. Recently a client of ours told, " Many buyers threaten to switch to low priced competitors and hence our salespeople struggle to communicate pri...

16 Apr 2019

How to build trust with buyers
In the recent article from LinkedIn on the sales statistics, it is mentioned TRUST is the No. 1 attribute of the salesperson which is critical for B2B sales success. Here are the statistics, 51% of decision makers rank trust as the No. 1 attribute they want in a salesperson.Virtually 100% of sales professional say trust if “very important” or “important” to winning new business.88% of...

21 Mar 2019

sales coaching conversation
Recently one of the participants said, he is having a hard time to get consistent delivery from his team members. No one seems to own responsibility and happy when they meet 70%~80% target. I am not very aggressive like other sales managers and I don't know what to do? I asked have you tried coaching the team members weekly or bi-monthly? He said, I hear a lot about coaching but I am ...

15 Feb 2019

When it comes to sales training initiative, measuring the success of sales training or ROI in terms of business results is not clear. This inhibits many businesses to take up sales training initiatives. Many companies we meet ask this question about sales training. Since I am investing money on this training, how do I clearly measure the impact with respect to business results such as...

08 Feb 2019

Depending on the business types, buying environment, solution types, selling and sales complexity must vary. In the article, we had mentioned 4 types of sales expertise depending on the buying environment and solution type. Just for brevity, let us put this again here, Sales people expertise vs solution type As we can see from the above 2x2 matrix when the buying envir...

31 Jan 2019

What actually results in sales success? This is a difficult question and there is no one answer. Some say sales success is driven by process, structure, whereas others say sales is all about building relations. The answer lies in the combination of these. Sales is as much an art as science. Many of you, would have come across someone who in spite of not having a sales process, produc...

17 Jan 2019

sales team understanding
Are you facing situations where you are losing business and don't know the reason? Do you wonder if you just had magic wand using which you could know what exactly your customer wants? Or wonder why the customer who used to buy stopped buying? If you are facing any of the above, there is a way to know the answer. It is fact, one of the hardest things in business is knowing what th...

12 Jan 2019

Sales analytics is gaining popularity and most large companies with field force sales are realizing the importance of it. The definition of the sales analytics is Sales analytics is the process used to identify, model, understand and predict sales trends and sales results while helping in the understanding of these trends and finding improvement points. It i...

30 Nov 2018

Sales force automation not giving the results
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sales Force Automation software, sales tracking tools have been some of the latest technology trends to help companies improve field sales effectiveness, sales efficiency resulting in overall sales productivity improvements. Any organization which relies on field sales force would love to have a dashboard of what is happening on sales from prospec...

23 Nov 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sales review meetings are key activity among sales teams. In these meetings, it is a great opportunity for sales managers to guide sales reps to find their area of weakness and show them opportunities to improve. Instead, the majority of sales review meetings leave a bad memory for sales executives. That is because sales managers use these meeting...

14 Nov 2018

Sales data analysis for sales managers
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In today's competitive market where salespeople are targeting different kinds of customers, and selling different products, sales data analytics knowledge becomes an essential requirement for sales managers. With the help of the right data and analysis, sales managers can identify the factors contributing to sales and identify the areas for future devel...

09 Nov 2018

Sales CRM, SalesForce Automation
Let's get this. Every company which has field force sales staff is keen to try out new technology to get more insights so they can improve sales team productivity. For this, technology solutions such as sales CRM, sales force automation software are the most popular. Technology companies promote claiming a huge scope of improvement in all sales related activities in using Sales CRM and S...

22 Oct 2018

Do this instead of buffalo leadership
One of popular analogy being used in leadership is buffalo leadership vs geese leadership. Let us understand how this applies to sales management and sales leadership roles. One of the biggest challenges for being manager or leader is how to make his team members think and own responsibility on their own. This is not easier for many. Most companies have developed a system to identify be...

19 Oct 2018

Sales competition
Ask any sales executive or sales manager, what is their biggest challenge when it comes to increasing their sales, their response is increased competition. No doubt, most companies are operating in a highly competitive environment. Take the case of the automobile market, whether it is for cars or 2 wheelers, there are 4-5 very strong players in each segment. There are 12-14 Sale...

02 Oct 2018

Make sales leaders sales champions with sales coaching
In the article, 10 characteristics of super coach we shared what are the 10 characteristics of a sales coach. In this article, we will focus on addressing some of the common misconceptions around coaching. Before that, let us understand again why coaching is important Why Sales Coaching? One of the key differences with respect to high performing organization vs average organization...

10 Sep 2018

sales people role for different buying environment
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In one of the foremost referred article of Theodore Levitt on Marketing, this is what is said b/w sales & marketing In the [traditional] selling scheme the seller is located at a distance from buyers and reaches out with a sales department to unload products on them. This is the basis for the notion that a salesperson needs charisma because it...

28 Aug 2018

top 5 objections in sales and how to handle
When it comes selling, the critical skill required is handling objections. Starting with taking appointments,  fix up a meeting, trying to sell a prospective customer on buying your product, pricing discussions, you will have to overcome objections. Importantly, you should plan for these objections beforehand. How? By expecting them, and trying to preempt them. Here are the five ...

14 Aug 2018

What motivates Sundar Pichai to be best CEO?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google is rated the best CEO and known to be the best manager. What motivates Sundar Pichai to be a good manager? As a sales leader among many managers reporting, do you see a difference in their performance? Ever wondered why do some managers are self-motivated and work whereas other's need a constant push? Why some manager...

29 Jun 2018

Consultative selling for B2B Sales
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Ask any customers, how many sales executives they meet really know what they want, the answer is quite low. On one side, many sales executives think they know what their customers want, on the other side, many customers say, most salespeople they meet don't understand our requirements.  Why does this gap exist? Nobody wants to be misunderstood but...

10 May 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Selling is not easy! The market keeps changing with many changing factors like entry of new competitors, demands of customers, new product launches, sales team attrition etc. Salespeople must constantly upgrade themselves to the changing needs. Hence, Organizations make continuou...